Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It is absolutely beautiful outside!

And I need to get out there with the kids! I have been spending all morning finishing up some work and doing some homework. Now when Cara gets finished with her nap, I am taking those kids out there, because it is not often that we get temperatures in the 70s in June here. Usually it is mid to high 80s at this time, and with the 90s inching closer to the 100s next month, I need to get out there now!

I still have plenty of studying to do, but it will just have to wait until the kids are asleep tonight! No matter how busy I get, the kids are number one to me, and getting them outside to play is a must. I love watching Cara explore the outside, everyday she is just more amazed than the previous day about how much she sees and does outside. And Alex just loves being outside and running around. He is at the age now that playing tag is just the thing to do when your outside, and anyone that does not want to play tag just puzzles him, as it is the best game ever :)

Hope it is a beautiful day where you are! I better get going so Cara's snack will be ready for her when she gets up and we can get on out there and enjoy the day!

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