Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Have No Voice!

On Saturday morning I woke up with a huge sinus infection, all the pressure behind my nose, giving me a headache, eye pressure, terrible nose issues, the works. Through the sinus infection, I still had the kids to take care of which meant answering a thousand questions a day, as well as saying no a thousand times a day, lol. Yesterday I started to lose my voice, and when I woke up today, I have no voice at all! Hope these antibiotics get through to me soon, it is hard to be mommy without a voice!

And of course, we are still working with Alex and him being sick, so he is stuck on the couch, yelling for me every few minutes. And he keeps yelling when I can't get there quickly enough, because I can only whisper and he doesn't hear that I'll be there in a minute, lol.

All of this has gotten me terribly behind with homework this week, but I am not going to do my field experience at the elementary school tomorrow since I cannot talk anyways, I would only be able to observe, and I already have all the observation hours I need, I am supposed to be interacting with students for the rest of my hours (I still need 50 of those hours before I can student teach next spring).

Sorry I haven't updated some new products or anything this week, hopefully I will get to add some new Ellaroo items this weekend. But in the meantime, if you haven't checked out my homepage and about us page in awhile, check it out (! We got a great updated look from Jennifer of She did wonderful content writing for me, helping me out with some search engine optimization and making my homepage look more appealing. Thank you Jennifer! And I hope everyone had a wonderful Earth Day and accomplished everything they wanted! We still are planning to plant our tree, hopefully tomorrow or Friday, maybe we will go ahead and do our flowers too and hope there is no more frost coming our way!

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