Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

How are you celebrating Earth Day? My plan was to plant a tree I received from an order with Kate Quinn Organics (what a nice touch to send a tree with the order, thank you everyone at Kate Quinn!). However, when I make plans, they are usually changed due to mommy duties :) My son is feeling sick today, I am thinking it may be allergies, but he is also breaking out a little bit, so I am going to the doc this afternoon to see if it may be something worse. Last November he had developed scarlett fever with a terrible rash that felt raised with lots of little bumps. The rash he has is not that bad this time, but it does feel raised again, so it makes me nervous! Strep throat has been going around as well, and scarlett fever is a type of strep, so I pray this is not the case this time, he has told me his throat feels fine, so that is a good sign. It is finally just getting nice outside for longer than a day at a time, so he needs to be able to go out and play, he has been waiting for spring all winter, lol. His appointment is in 3 hours (right in the middle of my one year old's naptime of course) so I will update this post then to let you all know how he is doing!

Update: We made it back from the doctor, and it is what I suspected, strep. He started his antibiotics as soon as we got home, so 24 hours from that time he will not be contagious anymore, but I will still be disinfecting everything everywhere I go this week. Kinda stinks because I have a super busy week, but what can I do! At least it is not during our vacation!

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