Rumpsters Oh! All in One Diapers are revolutionary with their rate of absorption as well as being one of the easiest cloth fitted diapers to clean and dry! This diaper is very absorbant thanks to the one-of-a-kind inner flap system bound into the sidewalls of the diaper. The Rumpster, Oh! flap system incorporates five layers of hemp fleece that is sandwiched together as a super-absorbent layer when worn. Don't think that this will deter from getting this diaper really clean during washing, the flap system allows for all layers to get cleaner than other comparable diapers, and it also dries faster!
The flap system allows for a pocket feature if additional lining is needed. You do not have to remove the extra lining during washing even, as the flap opens up during washing, allowing the extra lining to fall out during the wash.
Another great feature of this Rumpster Oh! All in One diaper is that one of the inside flaps is a layer of a dry micro fleece that keeps baby feeling dry! Worried about potty training? Simply reverse the flap and your child will feel the wetness! What a wonderful tool to use for baby and toddler! It's like having 2 diapers in one!
The Rumpster Oh! Diapers are found in 4 colors presently: Mediterranean Blue, Savannah Sage, Yellowstone Yellow, and Everest White. All colors are a pastel shade, and these all in one diapers are very stylish for baby!
Interested in purchasing these awesome, innovative cloth all in one diapers? Find the Rumpster Oh! Diapers at Posh Organic:
http://www.poshorganic.com/item_18/Rumpster-Oh-All-in-One-Cloth-Diapers.htm. The convenience, style, and absorption rate is worth the price when you think of all the money you will save by using cloth without losing the easy accessibility of changing diapers quickly and efficiently!