The picture above features the adorable Pinot style from BabyLegs. You can find these BabyLegs at Posh Organic at or check out all the Organic BabyLegs available at We will even be adding a few more designs next week!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Organic BabyLegs
The picture above features the adorable Pinot style from BabyLegs. You can find these BabyLegs at Posh Organic at or check out all the Organic BabyLegs available at We will even be adding a few more designs next week!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
It has been awhile!
I had to take the Praxis II on Saturday, so studying for that took a lot of my time, and then the test was even harder than I thought it would be! The Praxis II is the test I must pass in order to teach, or even student teach. I do not find out my score until 4 more weeks though, but I am keeping my fingers crossed!
This following semester is also my last semester of classwork, so I have a lot of things to do to be accepted into student teaching. Along with passing the Praxis II, I must complete a portfolio and an interview for my college, and I am a little nervous about that.
Though school will be busy, the website is still going full-force, and I love it! We are starting to get into a situation where I may be able to scope out some new companies that I can hold inventory for, which means more great organic products for you! I would just like to thank all my customers, I appreciate you and love working with you!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Positively Organic's Surf & Turf Outfit for Boys
This outfit will not only be great for beach wear, but for back to school as well! Need to layer up for the cool morning and warm day, plus it's gym day? This is an awesome way to handle these common situations this fall!
These pieces are sold separately, be sure to find the organic terry jacket and organic surf pants at Posh Organic.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Remember the Fourth of July sale!
I will not be posting tomorrow in observance of the holiday, but will be working on getting some gorgeous outfits up on the website that I am sure you all will love! Check in next week for the reviews for the great items going up!
Have a great July Fourth!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Just my luck!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Two classes down for the to go!
Damien is home today though, thank goodness. I was able to sleep in for once, but still just killed out from being sick. It is mostly just a head cold, and I've had it for 6 days now, and I am hoping now that I can relax for a few days, I can fight it off. Though I do have to grocery shop today, and I prefer to go because of all my coupons I want to redeem at specific stores that are having okay sales this week (I've seen better).
I have lots of inventory to add to the store as well, so look for those coming up! I will be showing off some of the great stuff we have coming in as I add them, so come back soon!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Rattle Me Love Organic Baby Gift Set
Rattle Me's gift set features the 100% certified organic cotton onesie and beanie, both made in sweatshop free conditions.
Find this adorable and thoughtful organic baby gift set at Posh Organic! While you are there, be sure to check out all the other great Rattle Me items!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Rattle Me Medallion Organic Baby Beanie
And of course, as with the other Rattle Me Products, they have a more girly version! The Pink Print Rattle Me Medallion Organic Baby Beanie features the same great look as the blue version, but with the medallion printed in pretty pink.
The organic baby beanies are made from 100% certified organic cotton in sweatshop free conditions. The beanies are one size fits most.
Find these adorable beanies at and check out the other great Rattle me products while you are there!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Rattle Me Toddler Blue Medallion Thermal Shirt
Love this shirt, but you have a princess that loves pink? This awesome organic thermal shirt can also be found with pink print!
The Rattle Me organic thermal tees are made with 100% certified organic cotton in a sweatshop free environment. The toddler thermal tees from Rattle Me are available in sizes 12-18 months and 18-24 months.
Check out this adorable Rattle Me Medallion Thermal Shirt at While you are there, check out the other great products Rattle Me products!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rattle Me "Royalty" Organic Toddler Tee
Do you have a little prince on your hands? Other great colors are available, including the Rattle Me Royalty Black Organic Tee in Grey Print.
The Rattle Me organic tees are made with 100% certified organic cotton in a sweatshop free environment. The toddler tees from Rattle Me are available in sizes 12-18 months and 18-24 months.
Check out the Rattle Me Royalty Organic Tee at
While you are there, check out the other great Rattle Me products found at Posh Organic!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Skull Baby Onesie
This organic baby bodysuit features 100% certified organic cotton and is made sweatshop free. The print features an awesome blue skull and red heart, sure to be the envy of other babies as they spy your little cool dude! Have a cool chick? This organic skull onesie can also be found in pink!
Find your new Rattle Me organic blue skull baby onesie at Posh Organic by clicking! While you there, check out the other great items available from Rattle Me!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Next Week Features
If you would like a sneak preview of all the great items that Rattle Me offers (all 100% certified organic cotton of course!), then sneak on over to Posh Organic at
Until next week, have a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What a day!
We also need to get his hair cut, he has some goofy hair in the back that is tough to tame when it is not cut right, or if it gets too long! There is one length that his hair needs to be to stay under control, and it is only good for about 2 weeks, then it gets all funky again. Poor kid, hope it straightens out before he is old enough to care, lol. I cannot afford a hair cut every 2 weeks! Maybe if I learn how to cut hair....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It is absolutely beautiful outside!
I still have plenty of studying to do, but it will just have to wait until the kids are asleep tonight! No matter how busy I get, the kids are number one to me, and getting them outside to play is a must. I love watching Cara explore the outside, everyday she is just more amazed than the previous day about how much she sees and does outside. And Alex just loves being outside and running around. He is at the age now that playing tag is just the thing to do when your outside, and anyone that does not want to play tag just puzzles him, as it is the best game ever :)
Hope it is a beautiful day where you are! I better get going so Cara's snack will be ready for her when she gets up and we can get on out there and enjoy the day!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Starting Fourth of July Sale Early!
Don't forget, we also still have the flat shipping rate of $5.99 for all orders under $100, this sale is going on all June. Feel left out if your order is over $100? Don't worry, you get FREE SHIPPING! Take advantage of these sales while you have the chance!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Everyone have a wonderful Father's Day Weekend!
I guess on Sunday we will probably end up visiting my dad since Damien will be gone all day. The kids will enjoy it, they love going over to see "Nana and Pappy." It does help that they also get to visit with their 14 year old uncle and 10 year old aunt! (I tell people I was too much in the 80s for my parents, lol)
Anyways, I hope you all have some great plans for the weekend! I will be back here on Monday!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
World Day Against Child Labor
"The ILO has estimated that some 165 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 are involved in child labour. Many of these children work long hours, often in dangerous conditions" (ILO, The ILO also goes on to state that there are many steps along the way to give educational access to these children. Among these include a provision to free education, getting over the barriers of girls' education, and raising public awareness of child labor. To find out more, please click on the link above, or go straight to the ILO's website at
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Bamboo Dreams Bamboo Lounge Pants for Dad
These lounge pants are available in black and are a great match to the Bamboo Dreams short sleeve or long sleeve shirts. Pants are made from 95% viscose from bamboo and 5% spandex. These bamboo pants can be found at Posh Organic at, and look around for more great Bamboo Dreams products!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Kids are out of school: Eco-friendly summer ideas
- Start a garden- Allow the kids to take care of their own section of the garden this year! They will adore looking after their plants and checking on them everyday to see how much they have grown! From watering to pruning, children will love having control over their own mini garden. Make it a fruit or vegetable plant, and maybe they will eat a little more fruits and veggies that came from their own green thumb ;)
- Build a city- Rainy day out? Get out all those cereal boxes and let the kids create a city! They can use all different shapes and sizes of boxes to develop different building and sections of their city. Remember to be creative so you can use the city on another rainy day and add on to it!
- Take a bike- Have some chores to do that usually gets done in a car? Get out all the bikes to do all the chores that is within a riding distance. The kids will love biking and being with you, and you can give them important chores to take care of while you are all out!
- Take a hike- There are so many beautiful national forests in the United States, take advantage of them and the hiking trails! The kids will love looking at the different plants, animals, insects, and you can stop to have a home made picnic lunch under a nice shady tree!
These are just a few ideas on some great eco-friendly activities to do with the kids this summer! Please feel free to add on any more ideas you have on great eco-friendly family summer activities!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Happy birthday to me!
I also have music class to take the kids to today, and play group, so another busy day here! Wish me luck that I keep my sanity :)
Friday, June 6, 2008
Weekend plans?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Thistles are taking over the yard!
Weed Killer:
1 Gallon White Vinegar
1 Cup Table Salt
1 Tablespoon Dish Detergent
Take out 2 cups of the white vinegar, then mix in the table salt and dish detergent in the gallon container and shake well. Put the 2 cups of white vinegar back in and shake lightly to mix. Put amount needed into a spray bottle and spray on weeds on a sunny, non-windy day.
Be sure to also keep this mixture out of reach of children! Please put it up in a high spot and keep it tightly closed!
I found this information at if anyone wants to look up any other great information from Thrifty Fun! And I will keep you posted on if those pesky thistle weeds go away!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
June Deals
This deal can be combined with any coupon code, so take advantage of the great deals we have going on this month. We also have some new products lined up this month, and I have to say, we have some good stuff coming your way! Stay tuned for more details on the products coming in...come here for the reviews and check out and click on "New Items" to get the most up to date information on our new items. I can tell you, all the items we have going up are great organic clothes for baby and bigger kids, as well as some neat organic baby shower gifts. You will want to keep these items on your favorites list!
Tonight I have a Psychology test at my night class, so wish me luck! A lot of it is a review from my General Psychology class I took last semester though, and it is the same professor I had last semester, so I think I will have many of the same questions. At least I hope so ;)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Major Storms Today!
The storm stopped just in time for us to go ahead and get ready for my son's soccer class. On the way I saw so many trees down over powerlines, and just felt so grateful that our powerlines are actually underground in our neighborhood. The trees were already cleared from the roads as far as I could tell as we drove across town, its amazing how fast crews can clean up and work together. I applaud all the people that had to get up and get to work during that storm, making the roads a little safer for us.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Ruth Hunt Candies
We also got a tour of the factory, and we got to see them make a great candy called Blue Monday. And of course we got a free chocolate to try, which was super yummy! When the kids are a little older to appreciate how candy is made, I think I will take them for a tour there, it was super nice and really neat to see up close. We had went to a chocolate factory before in Florida, but everything was behind glass and we didn't really get to experience it like I did today. You can find out more about Ruth Hunt Candy at
My husband got to do the usual Monday ritual of taking the kids to music class, and I think he really had fun. It was nice for me to get out of the daily grind with the kids and actually do something without them, and it was nice for him to be able to spend some time with the kids at their classes. I have to admit I missed them terribly, and glad I am back home and will be going back to our regular schedule tomorrow, but nevertheless, it is nice to do something different!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Sorry so late!
I took the kids with me to pick up photos this morning. About a month ago we had a photographer shoot us at a local park, and the kids pictures turned out wonderful! They are just darling. When we looked at the samples to choose which pictures we wanted to order, the pictures were small, but I still thought we chose the best, but boy was I wrong! Our family picture, which I ordered in larger prints, has me smiling with the sun in my eyes, so I am half closing my eyes pretty much! I am so aggravated with this. I am not one that likes to be in pictures as it is, and all the other family pics were not so great as well, so I think we will stick with doing future family pictures in the studio!
Anyways, thanks for reading my rant, that is only one goofy thing that happened today, but I will spare everyone the rest, lol. Mostly just has to do with car issues anyways, something I am not that knowledgeable about. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, I cannot believe June will be here in 2 days! Warning, I may be late on Monday with my post as well, I have to get up pretty early to go to a professional development thing for school, but I will post as soon as I can that day :)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Solar Energy for your House
Solar Energy Solutions offer ways to convert your electrical, hot water, even heating and cooling to solar power. You can still use your regular electricity as back up for evenings and nights, but will be saving lots of CO2 from escaping, as well as lots of money in your pocket when looking at long term benefits!
Just thought this was an awesome website, and hopefully I will be able to utilize these services and products soon, saving resources and money is something I am all about!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Posh Organic Sales
We still have the $5.00 off your next order by signing up for our newsletter! Simply sign up for the newsletter at on the right hand side, and you will receive a confirmation letter that provides your $5.00 code to use during check out. Some may wander what is offered in the newsletter that I do not offer in my blog. Basically, the newsletter is a source for ideas during holidays and season changes on ways to celebrate eco-friendly. We also feature some products that may make great gifts during these holidays or season changes :)
Another special we have going on from now until June 15th is the Father's Day Sale! You can save 10% off your total order by using the code "dad10" during check out! Order now to make sure you get that special Father's Day present for the dads in your life in time for Father's Day!
Make sure to check out on June 1st! We have a special deal starting that day and will last all June, it is one deal you will not want to miss!
Thank you for checking out all the sales that are going on at Posh Organic right now! Make sure to check back regularly for new sales and deals that make going green a little easier on the pocket!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Is it July yet?
After the spring semester, I went straight into summer school, with only a 2 day break. And even more than that, I also went on vacation the same week, so trying to keep up with homework on vacation is not fun, especially if the hotel has connection problems with the wireless internet! And then, sharing a room with a 3 year old and a 1 year old that has a bedtime of 7:30 pm and you have homework to do, lets just say it is nearly impossible! Sure, I could go to the business center of the hotel, but then somehow the smallest clicks of the door opening and closing sends at least one child into a crying frenzy.
Now will I get a complete break from school related stuff in July? No, unfortunately not. Last night I signed up to take the Praxis II test, and ordered a couple of books to study for it, and the test is sometime during the last week of July. So once again, most of my July will be spent studying. At least I don't have to show up to class, only for one test, so that does help a lot!
For now, I better go read, get ready for discussion questions, finish some open response questions, prepare for 2 tests, and I am sure there is something I am forgetting!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Friday, May 23, 2008
Posh Organic on Squidoo
Thursday, May 22, 2008
A Wonderfully Warm Day
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Kee Ka Sweet Pea Organic Baby Towel and Washcloth
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ellaroo Mei Hip Baby Carrier
Pictured above is the Mei Hip in Helsinki, which can be found at The mei hip is an innovative design from Ellaroo, designed with comfort in mind! A wide shoulder strap and waist strap helps with securing baby comfortably, while also relieving mom or dad's back and neck! This baby carrier is also reversible and made with 100% certified organic cotton. Posh Organic is proud to carry 2 great designs right now, with more to come in the near future! Both mei hip baby carriers can be found at
Monday, May 19, 2008
Some great resources for going green
Today I was thinking I would just share some of my favorite resources about new green products or ways of living more green. One of the resources is Some great features of includes a weekly win-it section where you get a chance to win a fabulous green gift from a fabulous green vendor. Posh Organic recently gave away a $50 Gift Voucher for the weekly win-it, and you can see many other great products that are given away each week! Some other great features of the site includes wonderful articles about different products that help protect our earth with products soft and gentle enough for our precious babies. This is one site definitely worth bookmarking!
Another resource I use is Kiwi Magazine. Not only do they have a magazine, but they have wonderful and fun information online at Kiwi magazine does use recycled materials when making their magazine, and of course recycling the magazine after you are done with it is a must! There is great product information and articles, including eco-friendly crafts to do with the kids. Some great articles are also online and they have a blog and crafts section online as well.
This is just a couple of great resources I like to read and get new ideas for my own family. I am still not as completely green as I would like to be, but I keep implementing new ideas as we can afford it. For instance, we have had our vehicles for quite a few years now, and cannot afford a new one, but when we can, we plan on getting a hybrid if possible (I still need to do some research on cost to fix and stuff, I have heard it can be pretty expensive, but that can be for any car depending on what's wrong). Also, I cannot buy as much organic food as I would like right now, because of cost. But hopefully when I finish school, with both my husband and I working, we will be able to afford more things, and hopefully will be able to just grocery shop at the natural foods store.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Next Week...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A few pics from Florida
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
We are back!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Eco-Friendly Doggie Bag- Poop Bags
Poop Bags are made of 100% recycled/50% PCW paper. There are lots more interesting information about these bags, such as being made from corn and lots of other renewable products. To find out more about these bags, please visit
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Reminders again ;)
Remember, during May 5-15, many items will not be available to ship out until May 15 or 16. If you have something you want to order and need it in the next couple of weeks, order it now! That is the only way to guarantee you will have the items you need. Some items will still be shipped out during that time, but only the items that are shipped directly from the manufacturer. You have questions on which items will be shipped during that time, please email me at
Thank you everyone for a great April! We had some great sales and contests this month, and many of you took advantage of the great deals! I am grateful for the sales and hope to see you all shopping again :) May is going into the third month since our official grand opening, and so far we are doing good in sales, and I have our wonderful customers to thank for it. So thank you!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Why Organic?
Organic Farming
· Organic farms do not allow pesticide and artificial fertilizer use.
· Less use of these chemicals mean less pollution in our water sources.
· Fertilizing is done with composted manure and rotating crops.
Organic Cotton
· Organic cotton farming practices allow for a healthier planet by not using pesticides or insecticides, whereas regular cotton production in the world make up 10% use of pesticides and 25% of insecticides.
· According to the USDA, 84 million pounds of pesticides were sprayed on regular cotton grown in the United States in 2000 (information found at Sage Creek Naturals).
· It takes about 1/3 of a pound of chemicals to grow enough cotton for one t-shirt.
· Organic cotton farming allow for natural replenishing and maintaining soil fertility, developing a diverse biological agriculture.
What types of products use organic cotton?
· Cloth Diapers
· Clothing
· Bedding
· Feminine Products
· Handbags
· Towels and Washcloths
· Almost any type of product that uses regular cotton, as more and more companies are realizing the importance of using organic cotton.
For more information on organic cotton and other organic products, check out the Organic Trade Association at If you have any particular questions about the products found at, please contact Chanda at
Monday, April 28, 2008
Items May Not Get Shipped Out Between May 5-15
I want to congratulate Eileen on winning the $50 gift voucher to use at Posh Organic. The contest was held at during the week of Earth Day. Congratulations Eileen, I can't wait to receive your order :)
I finally have my voice back, still a little rough, but not as noticeable (thank goodness!) We will busy here this week getting ready for Florida and finishing up my last week of classes. I have a feeling this vacation may be one of those vacations that I need a vacation from, lol. All of you that travel with small kids know what I'm talking about :)
Friday, April 25, 2008
One Class Down for the Semester!
Just a reminder that Sunday at midnight is the deadline to submit your entry to win a $50 gift voucher to Posh Organic, hosted by Be sure to check out for more details on how you can win!
Next week will be another busy one, as we are preparing for vacation. Be sure to take advantage of free shipping while you can, before the last day in April! Also, some orders may have a delay if you order between May 5 and May 15, as we will not have access to our warehouse. This includes most of the clothing, Rumpster diapers, Ellaroo products, Kee-Ka products, and some others. Other items will be available for shipping if they are sent directly from the manufacturer. If you have any questions on which items will be shipped between May 5 -15, please email me at
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I Have No Voice!
And of course, we are still working with Alex and him being sick, so he is stuck on the couch, yelling for me every few minutes. And he keeps yelling when I can't get there quickly enough, because I can only whisper and he doesn't hear that I'll be there in a minute, lol.
All of this has gotten me terribly behind with homework this week, but I am not going to do my field experience at the elementary school tomorrow since I cannot talk anyways, I would only be able to observe, and I already have all the observation hours I need, I am supposed to be interacting with students for the rest of my hours (I still need 50 of those hours before I can student teach next spring).
Sorry I haven't updated some new products or anything this week, hopefully I will get to add some new Ellaroo items this weekend. But in the meantime, if you haven't checked out my homepage and about us page in awhile, check it out (! We got a great updated look from Jennifer of She did wonderful content writing for me, helping me out with some search engine optimization and making my homepage look more appealing. Thank you Jennifer! And I hope everyone had a wonderful Earth Day and accomplished everything they wanted! We still are planning to plant our tree, hopefully tomorrow or Friday, maybe we will go ahead and do our flowers too and hope there is no more frost coming our way!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day Everyone!
Update: We made it back from the doctor, and it is what I suspected, strep. He started his antibiotics as soon as we got home, so 24 hours from that time he will not be contagious anymore, but I will still be disinfecting everything everywhere I go this week. Kinda stinks because I have a super busy week, but what can I do! At least it is not during our vacation!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Win a $50 Gift Voucher from Posh Organic!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Bamboo Woven Blanket
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Barcelona Bath & Body Votive Soy Candle Tapas Set
This gift makes a fabulous gift for mom, and can be found at Posh Organic- Be sure to check out other candle options from Barcelona Bath & Body at Posh Organic while you are there!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ciao Bella Rejuvenating Sugar Scrub
Find this specific sugar scrub at Posh Organic: There are many scent options, including Lavender, Lavender Lemongrass, Orange Vanilla, Green Tea & Cucumber, Lemon Verbena, Peppermint, and Vanilla. Choose your favorite scent and be ready to relax and rejuvenate your skin!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Soft Bamboo Pajama Set for Mom!
What is so great about buying products made from bamboo? Most bamboo trees can grow up to a yard a day, making this plant ready for harvesting in about 4 years. You do not have to re-plant bamboo because the root system is continually sprouting new shoots without the use of fertilizer or pesticides.
Find this great pajama set at Posh Organic-
Monday, April 14, 2008
Mother's Day Gifts
Friday, April 11, 2008
Organic Cotton Monkey
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Positively Organic Red Flower Baby Bodysuit

Find this organic bodysuit with matching yoga pants at Posh Organic. Not only does Posh Organic carry this awesome bodysuit from Positively Organic, but they also have other colors and designs that are perfect for summer! Check out for more bodysuits for baby!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Why Cloth Diapers?

Many moms today are making the choice to use cloth diapers instead of disposable diapers. The numbers keep rising, and more and more new moms are asking the same question, why choose cloth diapers over the convenience of disposable diapers?
First, let’s look at the environmental issues regarding the use of disposable diapers. According to, in 1990, 18 billion disposable diapers were thrown into landfills in the United States alone! This made disposables the 3rd largest source of items thrown into landfills, with only newspapers and food containers topping the diapers’ numbers. When thinking of this information along with the estimate of 500 years for diapers to decompose, I am saddened to think of what will become of our Earth for our children and grandchildren if we continue to pile on more disposables into landfills.
Of course it is going to take water and electricity to clean the cloth diapers. When you think of how much water it will take to clean your baby’s cloth diapers, we are thinking in terms of the same amount of water used for an adult to flush the toilet 5 to 6 times daily. With that in mind, it is up to you to decide which is worse, every single diaper used sitting in a landfill, or diapers being reused with the same amount of water used as an adult flushing a toilet 5 to 6 times.
Next, let’s look at our baby’s sensitive skin on why cloth diapers are more sensitive than disposables. When using organic cotton cloth diapers, there are no pesticides or chemicals used even in the growth of the cotton. Disposable diapers include the chemical sodium polyacrylate for the extra absorbency we have heard so much about in commercials. This same chemical was banned from tampons in 1985 because of the risk of toxic shock syndrome. This gel-like chemical can be left on baby’s bottom until the next diaper change, irritating baby’s sensitive skin. Not to mention the fragrances and other chemicals used in disposables. If your baby and super sensitive skin, cloth diapering may be an option you could choose to help baby’s skin from becoming irritated.
It is very convenient to have disposable diapers, but if you want to do more to aide baby’s sensitive skin, help in keeping the amount of diapers in landfills down, and have the dedication to cloth diapering, there are many wonderful choices to choose from in today’s age! No longer do mom’s have to worry with a flat cloth diaper and pin, some great choices today include pocket diapers and all-in-one diapers (also known as AIO diapers). Pocket diapers feature a great pocket feature to add more hemp or cloth inserts into the diaper to aide with absorbency. All-in-one diapers have it all, high absorbency, ease of wearing, and there are even stylish choices to choose from!
For more information on cloth diapers, specifically organic cotton and hemp cloth diapers, check out Posh Organic offers many choices in styles and brands of organic cloth diapers, and much more information on specific diapers available to buy. If you have any questions, please contact Chanda at Posh Organic at
Monday, April 7, 2008
Latest Posh Organic Press Release
Customer Service
Lexington, KY 40511
Online Organic Designer Baby Clothing and Accessories
Lexington, Kentucky, April 7, 2008—Concerned with the recent research into the effects of chemically treated clothing and food on children, Posh Organic recently opened their online organic designer baby boutique. Their concern instigated research into designers who use all organic materials in the production of their children's clothes and accessories. Posh Organic contacted Designer's and centralized a designer organic baby boutique for those who are conscientious of how often their children are wrapped in chemically treated products.
Chanda became concerned after research had shown that it's possible that chemically treated clothing and food was affecting the development of children worldwide. They wanted stylish safe clothing for her young child, and began their research. When it became apparent that there was not a boutique to centralize organic designer baby and children's clothing, she decided to consolidate her designer research and open Posh Organic.
Posh Organic offers a variety of baby and children's clothes size newborn to 6X for the environmentally and fashion conscious. Not only are the products organic for the children's benefit, but also produced with global warming and a greener earth in mind. Carefully chosen designers for the latest trends in fashion are available and constantly updated through the seasons. Posh organic also offers a wide variety of accessories that are organic, such as organic baby lotions and powders, bedding, organic pillows, mattresses and organic toys and furniture. presents a place for parents to choose clothing that are stylish and up to date as well as being safe, organic, and earth conscientious. A variety of baby and children's products that encompass the latest trends in fashion and stay away from the chemically treated developmental effects of chemically treated and processed clothing and accessories.
Posh organic offers designer organic clothing for babies and children from the latest designers, fabrics and manufacturing processes, allowing parents to choose safe, fashionable and hip organic products for their children. Posh Organic stays concerned about the effects of chemically treated clothing and products and has developed a centralized shopping place for parents to purchase designer organic clothing and supplies that stay current in fashion and design.
For more information and research into organic clothing and accessories for children and babies go to or e-mail at
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sckoon Products are in! Free Shipping in April! Myspace Friends
Monday, March 31, 2008
Rumpster Oh! All in One Diaper
The flap system allows for a pocket feature if additional lining is needed. You do not have to remove the extra lining during washing even, as the flap opens up during washing, allowing the extra lining to fall out during the wash.
Another great feature of this Rumpster Oh! All in One diaper is that one of the inside flaps is a layer of a dry micro fleece that keeps baby feeling dry! Worried about potty training? Simply reverse the flap and your child will feel the wetness! What a wonderful tool to use for baby and toddler! It's like having 2 diapers in one!
The Rumpster Oh! Diapers are found in 4 colors presently: Mediterranean Blue, Savannah Sage, Yellowstone Yellow, and Everest White. All colors are a pastel shade, and these all in one diapers are very stylish for baby!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Earth Hour
What are you going to do for the one hour? There are many great ideas, such as camping out in the living room with flashlights with your kids! Be creative and have fun, while teaching your children the importance of turning off that light switch or television set when they are not in use!
To find out more about Earth Hour, check out!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Organic Bedding
There's a wealth of research on how the chemicals in our world are affecting our children's development from bedding, clothing, lotions and powders and all made chemically. Organic sheets, blankets and pillows can be trusted to snuggle your child cozily and comfortably and don't contain chemicals to affect their development. When you think about how long your baby or toddler is going to stay in bed, it's important that you know they're not snuggling into a bunch of chemicals.
Organic fabrics that are in our sheets and bedding are made without pesticides and from fibers that do not need to be chemically treated to be warm and snuggly. Posh Organic offers you organic children's bedding sets, organic toddler bedding sets and a complete assortment of organically grown nursery sets and natural bedroom accessories. We are continually on the search for more organically safe ways to keep our children from the developmentally damaging chemicals in today's world.
We have selected products and styles that are not only attractive, stylish, and fun, but also safe for your baby or toddler. We carefully choose our suppliers for their ability to consistently produce quality products and fabrics and ingredients that are 100% organically grown and produced, and guaranteed to be chemical free.
So before placing your baby into blankets and sheets that have been chemically produced and treated, find out how warm, snuggly and economical Posh Organic bedding, natural sheets, blankets, organic mattresses and pillows and accessories can comfortably cocoon your child
Enjoy browsing a wealth of information and products that are all guaranteed organic, and oh so soft and safe for your baby or toddler. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or information you need concerning organic bedding and products. We firmly believe that customer service is the way to keep your baby safe and our business growing. Browse our site and read about our personal blog stories, reviews of organic products, and join our newsletter so that you can keep up to date on what's going on here at
Find the above organic nursery set and more at now!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
My baby turned 1 yesterday!
And today is Easter, and I am taking a little break from hiding eggs! I am trying to take a break from the website a little today also, but it is so hard when I can think of so many things I need to be doing with it right now, lol. Plus I still have some items to add, and I cannot wait to be able to offer some of the wonderful items we have to our customers! We have some modern furniture, more baby bodysuits, and some more dresses on their way!
But before I do all that, I do have to finish some homework for school, I have fallen a little behind this week because of the break, and now need to play catch up! I just got to keep reminding myself, it will be worth it when I finally graduate!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Stonyfield Farm YoBaby Yogurt plus Fruit & Cereal

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Environmental Awareness - Not just a hippy trend ;-)
Take the band Linkin Park for example. Always loved their music, Chanda and I saw them in concert back in '02, just as they were coming onto the mainstream scene. Didn't score tickets to the upcoming tour unfortunately. I've been long aware that the band began their own disaster-relief charity named "Music for Relief", but now I come to learn the Linkin Park Underground is also donating to American Forests.
Here's a quote from the LP website:
January 18, 2008
To support Music for Relief and to show appreciation to the fans, LP Underground is making a contribution to Music For Relief on behalf of the fans. By joining the LPU, not only did LPU members get exclusive LPU merch and access to exclusive membership benefits, they are part of a community that is donating to a meaningful cause. In turn, Music For Relief is submitting LPU’s donation to the cause that matters most to the LPU. LPU members recently voted on their favorite cause, and with 50% of the votes, American Forests will be receiving the LP Underground donation that will fund the planting of 100,000 new trees!
American Forests works to protect, restore and enhance the natural capital of trees and forests. Each LPU member is each planting a tree to help our environment. LPU’s donation of 100,000 trees will help to absorb CO2 at a rate of 1.3 million pounds per year! The trees will help to restore areas damaged by wildfire where critical wildlife habitat has been lost and to clean our air and water. Healthy forests filter water, remove air pollution, sequester carbon, and provide homes for wildlife.
Thank you to the LP Underground members!
American Forests: American Forests helps people improve the environment with trees and forests. It is the nation’s oldest nonprofit citizens conservation organization. American Forests is a world leader in tree planting for environmental restoration, a pioneer in the science and practice of urban forestry and a primary communicator of the benefits of trees and forests. American Forests helps people plan and implement local actions to restore and maintain healthy ecosystems and communities. American Forests is a 501© (3) nonprofit organization, founded in 1875. For more information, visit
Music For Relief: Founded by members of Linkin Park, Music For Relief is a 501© (3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing aid to victims of natural disasters and the prevention of such disasters. Since its inception in 2005, Music for Relief has raised over $2.5 million for the victims of the tsunami tragedy in Southeast Asia and hurricanes Katrina and Rita. MFR has organized a benefit concert featuring multi-platinum artists & numerous celebrity guests, sent musicians and volunteers to Southeast Asia and the U.S. Gulf Coast to help rebuild and donate supplies to people in need, and planted over 355,000 trees to help reduce global warming. For more information visit
LP Underground: To join or to learn more about LPU, visit
Good stuff guys. Just goes to show, you don't have to be a hippie to care about the trees ;)